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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day

In honor of all the men and women who have served our country, or are now serving, I want to say Thank you, from the depth of my heart. I can't even begin to imagine the sacrifices made, the lives given, and all that was and is endured. To the families who have lost loved ones, those who have or are holding down the fort, my heart goes out to you, God Bless you.

Memorial day is also the day we honor our loved ones who have passed on, even though they have not been in the armed forces. My mother passed away almost 11 years ago, and I miss her so very much. She is buried in the Fort Snelling cemetary because my father served in the Korean War. I thank God each and every day he is still alive and kicking, and at age 79 he is very active and is a driver for the Go Ministries for Living Word Christian Center.

Even though my mother's body is layed to rest at Fort Snelling, I am thankful that I can know that she is rejoicing in heaven with Jesus. I know she is happy, healthy, strong, united with her past loved ones and awaiting the rest of us. No sadness, no sorrow, no tears. My mother was a born again believer. She asked Jesus into her heart years ago, and loved Him dearly. Her love was a testament to her faith.

The Word of God says the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. If you confess your sins to Him, and ask Jesus into your heart, if you believe He is the Son of God, and that He died for your sins you can be born again. Simple words, from the heart. No matter what you may have done, He is waiting with open arms for each and every one of us. It is NEVER too late as long as you have breath.


readingsully2 said...

Very nice tribute, Brenda.

Kathleen said...

=) Very true! Lovely tribute to your mom.